We Check Out The Nordo – The Witching Hour

The great people at Nordo Room Service sent us one of their Experiences-in-a-Box so that we can check it out. We specifically chose The Witching Hour over the other options, options like The Interrogation of Alice, and Do Not Disturb.

While all three boxes sound like a lot of fun, I just felt that The Witching Hour would be best suited for myself and my wife.

These boxes are offered available for pick up at their location in Seattle, where they also perform live-action shows, or via mail for anyone outside of their state.

You will get alerted via email about the package being on its way, which is important because inside the box experiences are perishables!

For instance, The Witching Hour comes with dessert and a couple of drinks to mix for the people engaging in the experience. The deserts will definitely hold during travel, as they are included with an ice pack, but it is highly recommended that you take them out of the box when they arrive and keep them in your fridge until you’re ready to play the game.

Once you are ready to play, a website will guide you through the experience, thanks to the amazing in-game wizard William Wescott played by Ronnie Hill.

You will solve mysteries, perform “rituals,” and decipher clues along the way. Nothing too difficult, but lots of fun. You can even get the final answer wrong though, so pay attention! 

Check out what’s inside the box in our video!

You can also see Monica’s thoughts about the box in her TikTok breakdown Here!

Purchase your own box from Nordo Room Service Here!

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