Review Podcasts, And Help Out Those Going Hungry With Podchaser

Until April 15, 2020 Podchaser is donating .25 Cents to Meals on Wheels America, for every podcast or episode reivew on their site. They will even double the donation if the podcast you reviewed replies to your comments.

The reason that Podchaser is doing so, is that they want to support not only those that Meals on Wheels America helps, but also their community, and podcasters.

Many of the people that Meals on Wheels America provides for are seniors, who are already isolated, and now with less likelihood to get the resources they need, and the increase risk to their health, it’s more important then ever that Meals on Wheels America helps those who can’t help themselves in the senior community.

So if you have had a question about your favorite podcasts on the medium, now is the time to make a review and get that answer… for a good cause!

People can make as many reviews as they want, there is no limit to how many, but all reviews must be unique, and must be at least 20 characters long. Remember you aren’t just helping out a charity, but the podcasts you are reviewing!

So head to your favorite podcast’s page on Podchaser (find them via the search bar or browsing), click Rate Podcast button. Then just WRITE YOUR REVIEW!

If you head over to Forsooth‘s page, we promise to reply to your review!

Now head out and do so!

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