Make Sure You Are Better Understood With Breeze Mask

While we have always been a supporter of mask use here at Nerd News Social, we haven’t been blind to the negative effects mask use has on a specific community. No not anti-maskers, but the deaf community. While the deaf community has many ways to communicate within their community, most people outside of it don’t take a lot of extra steps to make sure to connect or be understood by deaf people. To that end, most deaf people learn how to read lips to “hear” people in regular social situations.

As mask use became a necessity in the world, deaf people lost a way to communicate. Additionally, a lot more people have hearing issues than most realize. When your hearing starts to wane, a lot of people begin to subconsciously read lips to help make out what people are saying.

While more and more solutions have presented themselves, it’s been fair to say that some if not more than half of the options have been dubious at best. Where it wasn’t dubious, it was ineffective.

Nexvoo, not to be included in that list, has created the first FDA registered N99 equivalent transparent mask called the Breeze Mask. It includes a fan module with N99 level high-efficiency filters. The mask also includes UV light to disinfect. While the fans help circulate the air and keep you safe, they also are brush-less to prevent them from producing noise so it won’t interfere with your talking.

The fans will last up to 6 hours and can be recharged in as quickly as an hour.

If you are looking for an alternative mask option for retail workers, or a way to be more inclusive, then this mask is an option for you. You can purchase one Here for $79.00

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